Why Is My Husband Losing Interest In Me – He Seems To Be Slowly Pulling Away

With time many women feel that their husband is losing interest in them and slowly pulling away from the relationship. He just doesn’t seem to be as close as he was or care as much as he used to about you.

So, what is the problem and what can you do to turn things around.

First, realize that over time all things change. Some for the better and some for the worse. Nothing in life is a constant and everything takes maintenance, even a relationship.

Have you taken time to really think about and look at your situation. Here are some questions to ask yourself and if the answer is no to all of them then you will probably want to learn the paleolithic principle to get your man back to being the one you used to know and love.

• Does he have any health problems that might be draining his energy level. It may not be anything to do with you but just the fact that he doesn’t really feel like expending the energy to even talk sometimes.
• Does he have a lot on his mind related to his work. Is there anything going on there that is really bothering him and causing him to dwell on it all the time.
• Is he having an affair?
If you have answered no to these things then maybe you need to take a look at yourself.
• Are you different?
• Do you spend too much time with the kids and don’t have time for him anymore?
• Have you let yourself go? Do you need to lose weight, maybe apply some skin care products or get some new trendy, stylish outfits? No matter how bad a man looks he still wants a pretty looking thing hanging on his arm.

The real key is for you to learn how to make your man feel like you ‘get it’ when it comes to him and you know how to make him feel good about himself when he is with YOU. When you start applying the Paleolithic Principle to your relationship then you will find that you are getting more of your needs met without him really even knowing it is happening.

Pay attention, analyze changes in your lives and learn how to use the Paleolithic Principle in Relationships to create lasting relationship success, joy and loving, rock-solid commitment from your husband or partner.

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