Is Your Relationship With Your Man Still Good or Is He Pulling-Away

Is Your Man Pulling Away - Find Out Why Men Pull Away

Strong, loving relationships between a man and a woman are not built with magic. They don’t just happen like love at first sight. You may have felt love at first sight but as time goes by and you get to know each other better or life events bring change then some of those feelings that attracted you to each other begin to wane.

You may have gotten married or still just be dating, but you have noticed that your man seems to be pulling away from the relationship and you are wondering why.

Is it something you are doing? Or, maybe it is something you are NOT doing. Or, has something changed with him?

Men and Commitment

Men need to feel that commitment is their idea and staying in a relationship has to do with how it makes them feel about themselves and not so much how it makes you feel. They won’t openly say this but it is really the bottom line.

Men, whether they are young or old, will always need their egos stroked. If you can do this in the right way, and really without him even realizing you are doing it, you will make him feel like you are ‘the one’ for him. You may feel like this is being deceptive but, if you really care about him you will want to learn how to make him feel good about himself. And, if you are then seen as the one for him then he will want to do everything possible to keep you happy and in his life.

Changing Your Man

Don’t try to change him too much. Learn how to get him to share his dreams with you and then support him in them. Don’t try to mold him into the man you wish he was but rather support him in being the best version of himself that he can be.

Maybe he really would like to start his own company but doesn’t see how he can do that and support you and maybe a family. So, he just keeps that real desire to himself and as time goes by he resents not having the freedom to go after the things in life that he wants.

Maybe he would like to go back to college and have a career in an entirely different field but feels that would take too much time away from you and the kids.

Do you really know what he wants out of life? Listening and communicating is mandatory.

Really Listening

Men don’t multi-task like women. To get him to open up and talk to you about the things in his heart you have to make time to do some undivided listening. You can’t be cooking dinner, doing the laundry, watching the kids and talking to him all at one time. His mind is not wired to handle all that and he will simply just retreat to the den and watch TV.

Is There Someone Else

Men often enter into affairs with someone else because they find that the other person listens to them and seems to be interested in what he is interested in. They have time to listen to him. They see his good traits and comment about them in a favorable way. He feels good about himself when he is around this other person. This makes him want to spend more time with that person and less time with the one who doesn’t seem to be interested in him in the way he wants.

Strong, Long Lasting, Loving Commitments

I saw on the news not too long ago an elderly, well known couple that had been together for many, many years. It was reported that he wrote a love poem to her that he would leave under her pillow almost every day. Do you think he did that because he was just a wonderful guy. No, he did that because she made him feel good about himself and he wanted to keep her around him forever.

Using the Paleolithic Principle in Your Relationships

Women who have created a relationship that is so loving and long lasting as the one just described are really applying the Paleolithic Principle in their relationships, whether they realize it or not. If you don’t know how to do this and would like to learn more about it then check out this website which has a video you can watch about why men pull away and what you can do about it before you lose them forever.

Even if you aren’t afraid of losing them you might want to learn how to have a more loving, rock solid, long lasting commitment that brings true joy to you and your man’s life. Check it out. You never know what good things a little knowledge can bring into your life.

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