Growing Roses and Mums

Planting a rose garden can greatly enhance your landscape. However, it intimidates many beginners to try to grow roses. Rose growing is thought to be quite difficult by many.

Reports of roses getting such things as powdery mildew can make the novice fearful of giving rose growing a try. Yet, by paying attention to four basic elements, your rose growing can turn out to be a huge success.

1. Soil – The best soil for a rose to grow in is if it has a pH from 6.5 to 6.8. The soil must have good drainage for rose growing. You are able to promote a soil’s drainage by using peat moss.

2. Irrigation – The best thing to do is to give your rose bushes a good drink at least twice a week. If you give your roses two deep waterings each week, this is better than four less thorough waterings. It is best to try not to water your roses late in the evening. This could foster powdery mildew which is a common disease among roses.

3. Spacing – If you do not adequately space your roses, you are inviting powdery mildew to form on your roses. It is best to let them breathe. Be sure to follow the spacing requirements that are indicated on the plant label when you buy your roses.

4. Sun – Roses enjoy six hours of sunlight each day. It is preferable to have the roses get morning sun rather than the afternoon sun.

There is nothing more beautiful than a rose bush in full bloom. Do not let the growing of roses intimidate you. Just follow the above tips and you are bound to be a success at rose growing!

The Perfect Mum

Chrysanthemums are very popular perennials. You can get mums in a variety of colors as well as in various growths all the way from the smaller dwarf plants all the way up to the Maxi-Mums.

These plants are very easy to grow so they would be good for a beginner gardener to try. If taken care of correctly, they will give you years of enjoyment.

Make sure you choose an appropriate variety, plant your mums in a sunny, well-drained location and protect them during the winter.

Planting Time

The best time to plant your chrysanthemums is after the danger of frost has passed. You are able to use small plants that you have obtained from rooted cuttings or divisions or you may even use the larger container plants that you have bought from nurseries.

The chrysanthemums may be put in the ground at anytime in the spring, summer or even during the early fall.

Soil, Site, and Fertilizer

Garden mums will grow very well in a variety of soils but they must all have excellent drainage conditions. Mums also enjoy sunny locations. Try to mix in two to four inches of peat moss or compost into the soil. If you only use peat moss, then try to add a fertilizer in the spring.


If your mums are pruned or pinched on a regular basis, then they will have a bushy and compact plant form. The traditional method includes pinching out the tip in order to induce branching so that stockier plants will be produced.

All pinching must be completed by the 4th of July to assure that your plant flowers before the frost.

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